The cost of your Invisalign treatment depends on the severity of your misalignment. If cost is a big concern for you, speak to your dentist about payment options. Here, our North York dentists share some factors that might contribute to the amount you pay for Invisalign.
Invisalign Benefits
The Invisalign system includes a series of clear aligners that you change bi-weekly. Each set of custom-made, removable aligners makes tiny adjustments to your teeth.
Invisalign allows you to remove your aligners to eat, drink and clean your teeth. It can correct a variety of misalignment problems such as teeth crowding and bite issues, and is a popular treatment option for adults and teenagers because of its modest look and lifestyle flexibility.
Paying For Invisalign
If cost is a big concern for you, you can also talk to your dentist about payment options. Many dental offices will offer flexible monthly payment plans to spread out the Invisalign braces cost over a longer period.
Most dental insurance plans cover Invisalign just as they would regular braces, but check with your insurance company first to determine the extent of their coverage.
The average cost of Invisalign treatment, according to the manufacturer, is between $3,500 and $8,000. The only way to know what your cost will be is to talk to your dentist about your individual case.
That's because factors such as your specific jaw shape and misalignment issues affect the number of aligners you'll require and the overall length of the process.
Other factors that contribute to the amount you might pay for Invisalign include your location and the average prices in your city, and how much your insurance plan will help cover.